When I heard Aldrea Alien was rereleasing her book, Dark One’s Mistress, I got super excited. Clara’s a fun character to read about and Aldrea has a great way of twisting the heart strings. Now it’s my great pleasure to present that book to all of you! Here’s a bit about it: For centuries, the…
Category: Books
Of All The Fowl Luck #AmWriting
I made it through my panel! Before going, I’d debated what I wanted to wear. I could wear a skirt and blouse, but would that really be true to my style? Yes, that’s what I wear 5 days out of the week to work, but the air of a programmer is a bit different from…
Opening My Big Mouth #IWSG
Indie Author Day is coming up this Saturday. When J.C. Jackson mentioned it, I got stoked and contacted the main Boise library to see how I could participate. There’s going to be panels, book selling, signing, reading…I had several options to choose from. In my email exchange, I happened to mention the only topic I…
Vanishing Squirrel Act
Imagine me staring at my computer wide-eyed and a bit bewildered. Two weeks. Somehow, somewhere, two Wednesdays came and left before I had the chance to process what was going on. Call me a slacker, for that is what I am. Had I been paying attention to the days, I might have made party decorations…
This Little Squirrel Went To The Market
Did you know local authors can join in at the farmer’s market? I didn’t, not until a friend who rented a space for the season offered me the opportunity to take her place while she was out of town. But it makes sense now. I’ve toiled over my books, crafting them into creative items other…
Hell Comes to Hogtown
Today, I have the pleasure of welcoming C.D. Gallant-King to the Town’s End. He’s recently released his latest book: Hell Comes to Hogtown. It’s fun romp, chock full of gratuitous violence and unusual characters. Now, here’s all the info! A comic book nerd and a pro-wrestler try to clear their names in a kidnapping while…
Twisted Magics – New Release in #SciFantasy!
There’s something nice about getting to know local authors. You meet the interesting personalities that give us amazing worlds filled with everything and more than the imagination can muster. I had the privilege to encounter J.C. Jackson. Jei, as I call her, released her debut to the world this week! Her cover is rockin’ and…
The Case of the Disappearing Weapons #Fantasy
Today, I have the honor of having Lori MacLaughlin here at the Town’s End! She just released a new book and I’m stoked to be able to share it all with you. Now, take it away Lori! Thank you very much, Loni, for having me on your blog!! I write fantasy adventure. Traditional fantasy novels…
Coffee with Chrys, Plus a #Giveaway!
I don’t drink a lot of coffee, but my character Derek loves comparing people to this wonderfully caffeinated drink. Today, I have Chrys on my blog and she’s provided yet another scrumptious option to try out. This sounds yummy enough for even a squirrel like me to try out! Christmas Coffee Here’s what you’ll need:…
Golden Dawn Blog Tour
If you’ve been a reader of my blog for a while, you might have heard me mention my critique partner, Aldrea Alien. I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve read from her, from her clean romances to her more erotic works. Now, I’m thrilled to be able to announce the re-release of her paranormal romance, Golden Dawn. Here’s…