CLICKBAIT!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Tomorrow is my birthday. It’s been a nutty year of darting from one thing to another, leaping precariously for branches that seem out of reach, and looking at the world from odd angles. The best part? This squirrel survived another year. Sure, I got rear-ended and my husband lost his job. I reworked…
Category: Books
Every Good Adventure Needs A Map, Right?
I was cruising around G+ the other day when I came upon a post linking to Inkarnate. I thought it looked cool and investigated further. Inkarnate lets you make maps. It’s a simple interface and tailored for roleplaying games, but I was clapping and squealing in delight. I’ve looked into making maps before. They have…
A Fairly Secure New Year #IWSG
I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’m still catching my breath from the holidays. Oh, it wasn’t super busy at the Town’s End. In fact, I didn’t even get around to hosting my annual surf ‘n turf meal to celebrate the new year. But I’m all fidgety, like I’m falling behind with…
When the Moon is Full…
On Sunday, something amazing happened. Sure, there was the super moon and lunar eclipse. I made sure to take some pictures, though they didn’t turn out as nice as I’d hope. But that’s not the amazing thing I’m talking about. Dani released her book. I’ve mentioned Dani as my cover model for the Cera Chronicles,…
Not Quite the Multitasker I Thought
I will never be a professional juggler. I’ve dropped so many balls lately, it’s ridiculous. The sad thing is, I’m sorry about not being more sorry than I am actually sorry. People get busy, priorities shift, and the person who promises too much disappoints many. First off, apologies to C.D. Gallant-King. I beta-read a previous…
An Interview with… Who? #TenThousandDays
Have you met C.D. Gallant-King? This guy cracks me up. He’s got the edge on zany, and his stories reflect that fun-loving nature. If you enjoy action, fun, with a hint of heart-warming love, I suggest you pick up Ten Thousand Days. And now… Interview with C.D. Gallant-King, author of Ten Thousand Days Can you…
Guest Post – Say WHAT?
Today, I have a guest on my blog. Please welcome, Lori MacLaughlin! She’s always got something to celebrate, and I’m happy to have her here today. Take it away, Lori! Thank you, Loni, for having me as a guest! Say What?? It’s no secret that typos are the bane of a writer’s existence. They are…
Life’s a beach, and then you… #IWSG
I love puns. There’s nothing better than a corny joke to send me into a fit of giggles. And when I’m giggling, I’m not fretting over my insecurities. If you haven’t seen by now, I’ve got a book signing tomorrow. Eeek! Will I have enough books? Will I sell any? Will people like my swag?…
This World Bites Blog Tour Winners
Whooboy! I still haven’t caught up with everything I need to do, even after my blog tour ended. But during the tour, people had a couple of opportunities to win a free e-book of This World Bites if they guessed correctly when I lied. First was at Melissa Maygrove’s: 1. After graduating high school, I…
This World Bites – In Conclusion
Today is the last official day of the This World Bites blog tour! I’ve still got a couple of posts related to this new release coming up, but for now, I’ll just send you on over to Beth Ellyn Summer’s to read about injecting emotion. Want to play catch up? Here’s the entire list! Alex…