Last Friday, I came home and found a box awaiting my arrival. My CreateSpace copies had arrived! Things I would change: Greater top and outside margin. The top margin was a little too high for my liking. And the outside margin didn’t quite seem to match up with the inside. Design cover off the right…
Category: Writing
The Interior
I submitted my files for CreateSpace review today. I finally decided to finish fiddling with interior formatting. I had reviewed The Book Designer documentation, referenced my sister-in-law’s books, and reached the edge of my frustration and creativity. Interior formatting wasn’t as easy as I’d thought it’d be. Well, it probably would’ve been if I had…
The Cover
The June 30th deadline for my free CreateSpace copies is quickly drawing close. I’ve been playing with covers for a while now and have finally settled on my design. My first thought was water based, but since I came up with my tagline of “The Earth Clan has declared war and a landscaper is at…
Critique Group
When I first started getting serious about my writing a few years back, I looked for a local critique group without success. I had given up. Then, Jeri Walker-Bickett wrote a post about critique groups and I knew what she had detailed out was exactly what I wanted. It rekindled my search and I hit…
Jack’s Story
Backstory can sometimes be out of place and unnecessary. When I first conceived Isto, I had planned to dive into the history of each of the guardians with a short little flashback of when they first accepted the choice. Over two years ago, I wrote Nicholas’s, less than 1K telling of his loss and desolation….
April ended yesterday, and with it, Camp NaNoWriMo. I had high aspirations for Camp, but it turns out it wasn’t meant to be. For a while, I had blamed the fact that I didn’t want to get up in the mornings. Then I slowly came to realize that it was not so much that I…
Redoing the site
I’m thinking of redoing my website. Now that Thanmir War is not undergoing heavy revisions and I’m in the process of writing Isto, I think it might be time to make my website somewhat more “bookish” themed. I’ve been researching marketing and one of the articles I’ve come across is directed at author websites. I…
Camp is Underway
April is here, and I’ve put aside my editing and started writing again. It feels good. Much of my preexisting writing—little scenes which I’ve scribbled down over the years—won’t work anymore due to plot changes and must be rewritten from scratch. A couple can be salvaged, such as Nicholas’s acceptance of when he first became…
Query Shark Analysis
I wrote a blurb for This World Bites. Actually, as it was pointed out to me, I wrote a list of events, not a blurb. In other words, it sucked. But the girls in my facebook writing group set me straight and gave me some very helpful feedback, such as definitions. I’d always thought a…
Description and Transitions
There are different flavors of readers out there, this I know. Some prefer lush, detailed descriptions of settings, characters, and any other item that come across the page. And then there are those in the other camp who gag and go cross-eyed when they are subjected to that level of attention. Heck, I had the…