If you saw last week’s post, you probably read about my wrist issues. I got the results of the MRI! There’s no cyst. In fact, the doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with me, and can’t see anything in the scan or x-rays that he can fix or even address. (Thus is the life at the…
Sock It To Me, January
Well crud. You might have noticed I hadn’t posted the past couple of weeks. Yeah, I figured I’d let my blog slide while I dealt with offline stuff. It’s the last day of January, and it would seem 2018 is following in 2017’s steps. I had an MRI last Wednesday, and I’ll find out next…
Exercising Body and Mind
Well, it looks like 2018 isn’t exactly shaping up better than 2017, as we’ve already had one illness followed by an injury followed by another injury. And we’re only on day 10 of the year! I seem to be mentally and emotionally stable enough right now in order to handle it all. I’m not the…
Let’s Try This Again #IWSG
As you might have seen in last week’s post, 2017 wasn’t great for me. But it’s a new year, and I’m off to a new start. This year kicked off with the Colonel’s Challenge at work, which will last for 10 weeks and include resistance training, push-ups/sit-ups, aerobic exercise, and weight loss. I’m aiming to…
2017 #YearInReview
I’d have to say 2017 wasn’t my best year. In fact, I might rank it my worst so far. It was the year of injury and illness, of used-up sick leave and emotional bankruptcy. From January to December, it was filled with some ailment or another that left me despairing and sobbing. But I kept…
In Pain and Blood Blog Tour
If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ve probably heard of Aldrea Alien, my NZ CP whose books I love. She’s out with another, and I have to say, I certainly enjoyed this one. It’s got the feels, the magic, the world-building, and excellent writing. I’m happy to be part of her blog tour to…
Pass Me Another Red Bull Please
Criminitly! I missed IWSG last week. I missed a lot of things last week. Work. Sleep. Sanity. It started the week of Thanksgiving. I got a sore throat, cough… you know, the usual stuff that comes with a cold. Things improved, and then on came the fevers. Shivering. Sweating. Freezing. Burning. I spent a few…
Life’s Hammer Hits Hard
Well that sucked. I got sick over a week ago, and that took me out for a few days. I managed to bounce back a bit for the holiday, and then crashed hard with a different set of illness symptoms a few days later. Due to all the injury that’s happened in the family this…
Never Gonna Keep Me Down #amwriting
It’s been a rough couple of weeks. Between illness, entertaining children (the bottles being one of the projects we’ve done), trying to fix my website plugins, and other projects, I haven’t been allowed much time to write. I’m only halfway to my goal of 50K for NaNoWriMo, and I’ve only got 8 days left in…
And So, November Begins #IWSG
November 1st kicks off NaNoWriMo, and though I had high hopes of actually hitting 50K before the end of the month, those hopes have dwindled. I’m fairly certain I will fail, due to the sheer time or lack thereof. I can barely manage 300 words on a normal day, and it’s not due to lack…