Today, the Internet remembers Tina Downey. She was a bright spirit with the motto “Life is Good,” and she left us far too early. I didn’t meet her until this past April, when I participated in the A-to-Z Challenge. Even in that short time, I was amazed by her upbeat attitude in the midst of…
Featured Photo Friday
The grapes this season are delicious. Crisp and sweet, they give that satisfying crunch and burst of flavor when you bite into them. So when my husband and I settled down for a glass of wine, I thought I’d get creative. So let’s raise a glass for today’s featured photo—Grapewine! I had a vision of…
IWSG – How long is too long?
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. Do you ever get discouraged because of “rules”? This one terrifies me the…
The Not-So-Accidental Blog Tourist Hop
Hey look, I plastered my face to the top of this post! A while back, Carrie Butler tagged me in this Not-So-Accidental Blog Tourist hop. I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate, because it’s a lot like the one I did for Chrys Fey, and I wasn’t sure who to tag. But since…
Featured Photo Friday
This last Monday, I participated in a photo shoot for a local writing collaboration. We faced the heat and made our way to the Old Penitentiary. I decided to play with HDR for this featured photo, which seems to add a funky glow. But then, my photography skills don’t quite measure up to the professionals….
30 Chapter Title Ideas
I waited until this morning to write my blog post. Then I found our wireless router had died, and my laptop didn’t have a connection. *sigh* That’ll teach me for procrastinating. My friends came up with a fun little writing challenge last night. Open your entire music library, hit shuffle, and then play on random….
Featured Photo Friday
There’s a new park in my neighborhood. I took my children last night. As the sun sank lower, my shadow grew longer. Since my camera was locked in my car trunk, I snapped this featured photo with my phone. My son sat contentedly in the crook of my arm, while my daughter ran through the…
38 Seconds
I’ve asked myself What makes an effective book trailer? What attracts me? The answer to the latter is kinetic typography. One day, JeriWB and I were discussing our appreciation of beautiful moving text. It planted an idea in my mind. Fast forward to months down the road, and here I am, indulging my creative side….
IWSG – Asking
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. I need advice. I’m a non-confrontational person who enjoys keeping friends happy and…
Featured Photo Friday
Much like M.J.’s pewter pegasus, sunflowers are a source of story inspiration for me. My husband manages to keep our plants alive, even though I’m green-thumb impaired. This year, he planted sunflowers. These bright yellow beauties instill a sense of nostalgia every time I see them. Not that they have a significant place in my…