October’s been busy for me! At work, we’ve been strengthening our IT relations and that’s include multiple multi-hour meetings. As a programmer, I don’t use many of the systems that the techs or net ops uses, but for the sake of awareness, they want to make sure everybody’s on the same page. I’m a bit…
Tag: drawing
Paint Me A Picture
When it comes to hobbies and interests, I’m the type of person who starts something and usually abandons it half-finished. Girl Scouts, ballet, gymnastics, knitting, wire-working… Eventually, my love of the activity fades and I leave it by the wayside. Thankfully, that hasn’t been the case with drawing (or writing for that matter). Back in…
Mid-Year Progress Check
Can you believe June is almost over? My husband and I celebrated our 12th anniversary on Sunday. We were lucky enough that my sis-in-law was willing to watch the kids for us after she got off work, because we completely forgot to plan anything. I’d even forgotten about our anniversary until my daughter asked me…
Aesthetics on Pinterest
I’m late to the game, but there’s this thing people do called “building aesthetic boards on Pinterest.” My friend Dani introduced me to the concept and then another email pal sent me links to her own aesthetic boards. I have to admit, there’s a certain charm to putting pictures together to create a feel, so…
Suggestions for Outsourcing?
If you’ve followed my blog or know me, you probably know that I like art. I draw. I mess around with digital graphics. I even have a stinkin’ nice computer so I can draw digitally as if it were a sketchbook. Well, we’re our own worst critics, right? Okay, maybe that’s not true, because I’ve…
2016 – It Ain’t Over Yet
Every year, I get letters from friends giving their year in review. I ogle at the pictures and how organized they must be to achieve such feats, while I haven’t been able to get even a Christmas card in the mail for …well… forever. That’s not going to change, but I figured I might as…
Pictures and Progress
I’m in a better mental state this week. The kids are doing better, my husband is no longer on antibiotics, and my projects at work are back on track. The parental stress is still running high, but medically, I’m fine. I’ve also gotten more words in. Yay! Granted, I’m still 16K behind, but I made…
Commissioning Artwork
I’ve been known to indulge myself from time to time. One example is getting dressed up in steampunk and having a friend do a photo shoot. This time, I decided to commission artwork. (That sounds so much cooler than “paying someone to draw me a picture”) I like to peruse DeviantArt and gape at all…