It’s the first Wednesday of the month, making it the day for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group! I’ve been all over the security map this past week, going from high to low to elated to stressed. But since there are so many emotions in my mix, I’m focusing on just one topic–the one that has…
Tag: iwsg
Just Keep Typing #IWSG
After a fun stint of troubleshooting a 403 error this morning (yay for corrupt .htaccess files), I finally have my site up and running so that I can actually post for the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Thank you Raimey Gallant for catching that for me! If you saw my post last week, you know that…
Insecure? Not Today. #IWSG
The first Wednesday of every month, I participate in a blog hop for the the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Except lately, I haven’t been insecure. I’ve been making good progress on my WIP, putting down over 3K a week toward it. I have to finish the chapter I’m currently working on, and then it’ll be…
Holiday from Insecurity #IWSG
Since tomorrow is a holiday for us in the USA, Insecure Writer’s Support Group posting has been bumped forward a day. So you get a post today, while tomorrow I’ll be hanging with my kids out in the heat, ignoring all things digital. What makes me insecure this month? Actually, nothing comes to mind. I…
Month Six Out Of Twelve #IWSG
I find it hard to believe it’s June already. I mean, wasn’t it just April where I was down with fever and pneumonia? I’m still coughing, so it couldn’t have been that long ago. But alas, it really is June. That means almost half of the year is gone, and I haven’t finished writing my…
May Things Hopefully Improve #IWSG
I took last month off from blogging to make some progress on my writing. The first week went well, allowing me to catch up on a lot of progress after my massive timeline rewrite. I was hopeful that I might make a serious dent. And then April 7th hit, and my daughter got sick. She…
Separated, Together, Separated Again #IWSG
Egads! It’s March already. Since it’s the first Wednesday of the month, it means today is Insecure Writer’s Support Group day. I have an event in my book (*gasp* who would have thought of that?), and it’s giving me grief. I’m presently working on my fifth version of it. Not revisions where it’s just tweaking…
It Has To Hurt #IWSG
If you saw last week’s post, you probably read about my wrist issues. I got the results of the MRI! There’s no cyst. In fact, the doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong with me, and can’t see anything in the scan or x-rays that he can fix or even address. (Thus is the life at the…
Let’s Try This Again #IWSG
As you might have seen in last week’s post, 2017 wasn’t great for me. But it’s a new year, and I’m off to a new start. This year kicked off with the Colonel’s Challenge at work, which will last for 10 weeks and include resistance training, push-ups/sit-ups, aerobic exercise, and weight loss. I’m aiming to…
And So, November Begins #IWSG
November 1st kicks off NaNoWriMo, and though I had high hopes of actually hitting 50K before the end of the month, those hopes have dwindled. I’m fairly certain I will fail, due to the sheer time or lack thereof. I can barely manage 300 words on a normal day, and it’s not due to lack…