Procrastination is my biggest downfall. I’m the type of squirrel who rushes around gathering nuts just before winter hits. Back in high school, I used to arrive early to finish my homework before class. With age apparently doesn’t come wisdom, because I really should know better by now. Last Wednesday, I had a quick referral…
Tag: life
The Formula for Happiness #IWSG
I was cruising Facebook a couple weeks ago and succumbed to clicking on a how-to article about happy marriages. Being a happily married person, I just wanted to see if the article got it right, or if it was a bunch of empty acorns. Unfortunately, I can’t remember who linked it or what the title…
It’s Wednesday? I made it!
It’s been a bumpy week. Last Saturday was an up-day, where my daughter let me dress her up and take pictures of her. She takes after me in this aspect. We both had fun, and I ended up with some cute reminders of my beautiful girl. Sunday was okay. I restarted my diet that I…
Questioning Myself
Photo credit: Camelyn Gast. I know who I am. At least, I thought I did. My goal in life is to be the best darn Loni I can possibly be. I’ll never be the best writer, actress, seamstress, programmer, artist, dancer, organizer, or whatever other action I pursue. But I will do my best in…
Facing Changes
I mentioned my husband got bad news at work last week. Well, come next month, he’s going to be a stay-at-home dad, at least for a while. His biggest concern was the children. He doesn’t want them to face hardship. I reminded him they don’t cost that much. They have more toys than they can…
This End of Town
Have you ever had so much you wanted to say that you didn’t know where to start? I’m at that point. Like in everyone else’s life, I’ve had a lot going on offline. I’m rocking NaNo! Up to 27K, and I have a clean house, fed children, and a non-neglected husband. My mood has suffered…
The Greener Grass
It’s been a rough time at the Town’s End. I’d planned on doing a nice little write up about my WIPs, but—as plans often do—they fell through. Heck, I even missed Featured Photo Friday. My daughter picked up a cold at either daycare or preschool over a week and a half ago, and brought it…
It’s been a whirlwind of 12 weeks that started with the birth of my son. Since then, I’ve faced an epidural headache, jaundice, cold & flu, a jealous 3-year-old, a speeding ticket, the birth of a niece, the death of a grandfather, meeting new friends, creating a business, costume making, scraping by on NaNo, and…
Dreams and Goals
I mentioned a while back I was reading Rise of the Machines by Kristen Lamb. One of the chapters tells us to write down our goals: 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, Lifetime. Now when it comes to books telling me to write down something, I typically don’t do it. I…