Hey look, I plastered my face to the top of this post! A while back, Carrie Butler tagged me in this Not-So-Accidental Blog Tourist hop. I wasn’t sure if I was going to participate, because it’s a lot like the one I did for Chrys Fey, and I wasn’t sure who to tag. But since…
Tag: writing
30 Chapter Title Ideas
I waited until this morning to write my blog post. Then I found our wireless router had died, and my laptop didn’t have a connection. *sigh* That’ll teach me for procrastinating. My friends came up with a fun little writing challenge last night. Open your entire music library, hit shuffle, and then play on random….
IWSG – Vacation
Today is the first Wednesday of the month. That means, it’s time for Insecure Writer’s Support Group! You can find the sign up for the IWSG here. We owe Alex J Cavanaugh a huge thank you for thinking this blog hop up. Writing time is one of those valuable, limited resources. Lately, I’ve been too…
The Monsters Are Free – WIP No. 1 – Isto
Here it is. I’m finally getting around to writing about my WIPs. I’ve divided them into three categories: Origination Stories, Niniers, and Cera Chronicles. Color Key: Green – Production ready Aqua – High Priority Blue – Medium Priority Purple – Low Priority Today’s featured WIP is Isto, book 2 of the Niniers. Each of the…
How I Found the Write Path
Carrie Butler is celebrating her blogiversary! She’s hosting a blogfest called How I Found the Write Path. See who is participating, and sign up yourself. The Prompt: Please write a letter/note to yourself when you first started writing toward publication. Since I often talk to myself (in third person even), this was easy. Below is…
Coffee Shop Writer
So, I hadn’t realized that writing in Starbucks was a thing until my buddy ohnosarge brought it up in a tweet one day. She directed me to Family Guy who mocks those coffee shop writers as needing to be seen working on their craft. Imagine my eyebrows climbing to my hairline. That led to a…
Husbandly Help
“Do you think a severe electrical burn would be gooey beneath the crispy flesh?” That was how I started our conversation. Of course my husband gives me a perplexed look. And then he starts to chuckle. I was writing a scene where the character gets hit with an electrical bolt which mangles up the left…
Are you doing NaNoWriMo? Check this out! The Wrimo Accelerator Looks like Lulu wants to be a part of the NaNoWriMo experience. CreateSpace can’t have all the fun! I’ve been plugging away at Sovereign, book 3 of the Ninier series. My word count is at 9K so far. If you want to add me as…
Follow Fest 2013 Blog Hop
Hey Writers! Want to connect to other writers? Well Melissa Maygrove has the system for you. The Follow Fest 2013 Blog Hop! Click the image above and scroll to the bottom to find a list of other writers. If there’s still time, sign up. Here’s my info. Name: Loni Townsend Fiction or nonfiction? Fiction What…
Dreams and Goals
I mentioned a while back I was reading Rise of the Machines by Kristen Lamb. One of the chapters tells us to write down our goals: 6 months, 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years, Lifetime. Now when it comes to books telling me to write down something, I typically don’t do it. I…