I’ve made my decision. I’ve decided on a release date for Thanmir War. I’ve set my release date as November 5th, 2013. Why November 5th? It’s a Tuesday, and traditional book releases take place on Tuesday The baby is due late September, but may arrive early October It’s before the holidays This gives me three…
Author: Loni Townsend
What can I say? I like snakes. (Photo by Bryant Olsen – Flickr Creative Commons) I love being a pantser. Isto isn’t plotted. Oh, I know where I need to end up and major events that have to happen in between. But as far as outlining–that stuff isn’t for me. I struggle with writing chronologically,…
The Physical Product
Last Friday, I came home and found a box awaiting my arrival. My CreateSpace copies had arrived! Things I would change: Greater top and outside margin. The top margin was a little too high for my liking. And the outside margin didn’t quite seem to match up with the inside. Design cover off the right…
The Interior
I submitted my files for CreateSpace review today. I finally decided to finish fiddling with interior formatting. I had reviewed The Book Designer documentation, referenced my sister-in-law’s books, and reached the edge of my frustration and creativity. Interior formatting wasn’t as easy as I’d thought it’d be. Well, it probably would’ve been if I had…
The Cover
The June 30th deadline for my free CreateSpace copies is quickly drawing close. I’ve been playing with covers for a while now and have finally settled on my design. My first thought was water based, but since I came up with my tagline of “The Earth Clan has declared war and a landscaper is at…
Critique Group
When I first started getting serious about my writing a few years back, I looked for a local critique group without success. I had given up. Then, Jeri Walker-Bickett wrote a post about critique groups and I knew what she had detailed out was exactly what I wanted. It rekindled my search and I hit…
Jack’s Story
Backstory can sometimes be out of place and unnecessary. When I first conceived Isto, I had planned to dive into the history of each of the guardians with a short little flashback of when they first accepted the choice. Over two years ago, I wrote Nicholas’s, less than 1K telling of his loss and desolation….
Tell Me Your Opinions
I’m thinking I like this theme. Would you all mind telling me your opinion of the visuals? Do you like the color scheme? Does it match me/the feel of my story (if you’ve read it)? Thanks!
April ended yesterday, and with it, Camp NaNoWriMo. I had high aspirations for Camp, but it turns out it wasn’t meant to be. For a while, I had blamed the fact that I didn’t want to get up in the mornings. Then I slowly came to realize that it was not so much that I…
Literally a Gone Girl Review
Title: Gone Girl Author: Gillian Flynn Format: Audiobook My rating: 3.75 stars Gone Girl was an interesting story. I can’t say that I enjoyed it, but I can’t say I disliked it either. I would rate it well, but I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone I know. It’s hard to put a finger on my…