Wednesday morning, I woke early (okay, not much earlier than I typically do) and climbed up the ladder to the playset my husband has been building for the kids. There I stood in the quiet, wrapped up in my fleece robe, staring at the sky and the blood moon eclipse. Now I don’t have a…
Monsters, Myths, and Mayhem
It’s time for an update post! Woohoo! On Monday, C. Lee McKenzie wrote blog post about log lines. I’d already planned this post with the log lines I have, but now I think I need to revise. What do you think? Monsters By saving his wife, he condemned his world. Isto, Thanmir War‘s sequel, has…
Featured Photo Friday
At the store, I found some gorgeous apples—the type I imagine the wicked queen offered to Snow White. Perfect for a featured photo. Though I like the shot, I’m disappointed the stem was out of focus. Live and learn. But I needed other shots with my beauties. I did a shelfie a couple of weeks…
IWSG – HTML and E-Books – Quick and Dirty
When you’re on a budget, sometimes you want to do-it-yourself. That includes e-Books. With some practice, you can create your own e-Book with free tools. The two I use are Sigil and Calibre. Sigil is an ePub editor that lets you build e-Books from scratch. It has two views: Book view and Code view. Book…
Follow Fest ’14 & Featured Photo Friday
The magnificent Melissa Maygrove is at it again! It’s time for (the tail end of) Follow Fest 2014. Her organizational abilities and social savvy never cease to amaze me. If you haven’t checked her out, you should. And then join Follow Fest! Follow Fest allows writers connect with each other through blogs and other social…
30 Seconds Blog Tour
Today on my blog, I have Chrys Fey, author of the upcoming 30 Seconds novella. While I am down and out with a cold, she will keep you entertained. Take it away, Chrys! When Loni first asked me to create a Tens List of my favorite Martial Arts moves, I was stumped, but then I…
Underrated Treasures Blogfest
Alex J. Cavanaugh is hosting a blog hop! This one is called: Everyone has a favorite movie or band that no one else has ever heard about. For whatever reason, they remain undiscovered and underrated. Now is your chance to tell the world about this obscure treasure! Today, September 22, post about your favorite unknown…
Friday Fun
With all of the commotion going on at the Town’s End lately, I haven’t been taking much in the way of pretty photos. So you get some fun ones instead. I wanted to participate in the shelfie hop that I’ve seen on a few blogs. But due to the combination of me being strapped for…
Why I Write Blog Hop
Thank you for all the well-wishes last week. My mom had knee surgery last Friday, and returned home Monday after over a week in the hospital. I took a trip to the other side of the state to visit her this last weekend. She’s doing well, enjoyed seeing the grandbabies, and is now under the…
Rifters Launch – My Summer Trip to Settler Oregon
The following story is based on my very real weekend, but I figured it could double for my submission to M Pax’s Rifters launch. The story is true, just the location is fictional. I present, My Summer Trip to Settler, Oregon. My mother broke her knee. We were at a remote campsite, just north of…