Characters roam the corridors of my mind, each one bobbing his or her head to a different tune. I realized some time ago that I associate certain songs to my characters and occasionally flick on my playlist while writing code at work. It’s up to 51 songs, spanning all my characters at different stages in…
Author: Loni Townsend
Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I wonder if I’m a good writer or not. I’ve been told that I am, but I’ve also been told that my characters are wooden and unbelievable, which isn’t good writing. As I start my trek into plot point one, I find myself rethinking everything that’s on paper (figuratively, since I haven’t printed it…
Cera Chronicles – Gritty Crime World – part6
The homicide detective, Joe Harris, wore a long coat that dusted the tops of well-shined shoes as he strode into the crime scene like a man on a mission. A dark fedora shaded his features, allowing only a tight-lipped expression to be discernible. He examined the bodies with narrow eyes before flicking his gaze to the…
Adventures in Editing
When I finished my first draft, I had a mighty sense of pride. I had written a book. So when I received feedback telling me that my characters were shallow and unbelievable, it was pretty tough. But I was willing to accept the truth, examine the examples given to me, and reassess how I represented…
Cera Chronicles – Gritty Crime World – part5
I huffed a frustrated breath. “I was in complete control the entire time. There were not going to be any damages.” “Uh-huh,” he inclined his head in a mocking nod. “Complete control, like when ya fell off the pole.” “Complete control of the fire,” I amended. I smelled coconut with a hint of vanilla. Footsteps,…
Me Time
I sit in the darkness, nestled into my husband’s recliner, listening to the quiet snores of my daughter in the next room over. This is my time, the one hour I’m allowed to dedicate time and effort to writing. Parenthood means sacrifices, I know this now. Kimi is on a better schedule, tucked into bed…
Cera Chronicles – Gritty Crime World – part 4
“How was I supposed to know there was a fire extinguishing system?” I asked as I towel dried my hair. “Ya could’ve asked,” said Fisheye Frankie from the doorway. “And I would’ve told ya.” My employer stalked into the room while his two bodyguards hovered just outside. I had posed the rhetorical question to Michael,…
Cera Chronicles – Gritty Crime World – part3
I stretched the flame to ribbons, letting them flutter and float about my swaying hips as I danced. I invoked my other power set, the power of Miasho, to engage the senses. Sensation rippled through the air, unseen but touching everyone with delicate waves of pleasure. The wrinkled man in front loosened his tie and…
Cera Chronicles – Gritty Crime World – part2
I clenched my teeth and forced a polite smile to my lips. With minimal struggle, I righted myself to a mostly vertical position and wobbled on my stiletto heels. My courage returned a few deep breaths later and I started for the short staircase. The lecherous old man groped my rear as I passed. It…
Cera Chronicles – Gritty Crime World – part1
Cera Chronicles Blogged book #1 – Unnamed Code name: Gritty Crime World Part 1 I felt the soft, sensual caress on my skin, a familiar lover that came to me every night, one I welcomed inside me. It began slow, lazy, and I swayed with seduction. A moan breathed past my lips as the pace…