I decided to join Spotify some time back, but I never really paid much attention to how wonderful a product it actually is. I love music, dance constantly around my living room with my daughter, and have been looking for a decent playlist making system. Well hello! Spotify is great for making a playlist. And…
Category: Writing
I reached 50K. I danced. I celebrated. I patted myself on the back at my great accomplishment. After that, I started thinking about what I had written thus far and realized I didn’t like a character I had chosen to throw in because I didn’t know how to get rid of her and she kept…
I have heard of writer’s block. A couple of my critique partners have told me they have it. A nasty thing from the sounds of it. Writer’s block isn’t something I’ve struggled with. Probably because I’m a pantser and my story has been bumbling around in my head for 15 years, scratching and clawing its…
The Cave
I had tried starting out NaNoWriMo by rewriting the beginning of RotT, just as an experiment to see how it compared. I found that I wasn’t very inspired and dropped that idea 700 words into it. I had already written about 20k worth of content towards RotT prior to November’s start, which doesn’t count towards…
NaNoWriMo commences in T Minus 66 minutes. I have meeted *cough*(yes, I know met is the proper term)*cough* and greeted eleven other local participants and it was an interesting mix of veterans and newbies. From all walks of life, we converged in a pizza parlor with one passion shared among us. Writing. I took my…
When Critiquing
Your credentials don’t matter. You may read an average of 900 books a year, or you may have just discovered the joy of the written word this past week. Regardless of your reading history, it doesn’t matter. Because I don’t care. If I want to know what books or authors you have or have not…
Oh dear. What have I done? Was I crazy? I haven’t finished editing my first book. I’ve dedicated myself to critiquing. I have a child and husband at home. And now… I’ve signed up for NaNoWriMo. National Novel Writing Month has one goal. Write a novel, at least 50k words, within thirty days – November…
Music and Characters
Characters roam the corridors of my mind, each one bobbing his or her head to a different tune. I realized some time ago that I associate certain songs to my characters and occasionally flick on my playlist while writing code at work. It’s up to 51 songs, spanning all my characters at different stages in…
Sometimes I wonder
Sometimes I wonder if I’m a good writer or not. I’ve been told that I am, but I’ve also been told that my characters are wooden and unbelievable, which isn’t good writing. As I start my trek into plot point one, I find myself rethinking everything that’s on paper (figuratively, since I haven’t printed it…
Cera Chronicles – Gritty Crime World – part6
The homicide detective, Joe Harris, wore a long coat that dusted the tops of well-shined shoes as he strode into the crime scene like a man on a mission. A dark fedora shaded his features, allowing only a tight-lipped expression to be discernible. He examined the bodies with narrow eyes before flicking his gaze to the…